const fs = require("fs"); var execSync = require("child_process").execSync; const API_LEVEL = 6; /* { "Author": "aRkker", "Name": "World Map Enhancer", "InternalName": "WorldMapEnhancer", "AssemblyVersion": "", "Description": "Simply zoom out by right clicking the world map, like God intended it", "ApplicableVersion": "any", "Tags": [ "world", "map", "enhance", "rightclick", "zoom" ], "DalamudApiLevel": 6, "LoadPriority": 0, "Punchline": "Right click to zoom out the big map", "IsHide": "False", "IsTestingExclusive": "False", "DownloadCount": 0, "CategoryTags": [ "utility", "other", "ui" ], "LastUpdate": "1651838531", "DownloadLinkInstall": "", "DownloadLinkTesting": "", "DownloadLinkUpdate": "" } */ fs.readdir("./plugins", (err, files) => { const categoryFallbacks = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./categoryfallbacks.json").toString()); let masterJson = []; for (let d of files) { console.log(d); const pluginJsonPath = `plugins/${d}/${d}.json`; const pluginJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pluginJsonPath).toString()); console.log(pluginJson); const updatedDate = execSync(`git log -1 --pretty="format:%ct" plugins/${pluginJson.InternalName}/`).toString(); const masterJsonInsert = { ...pluginJson, LastUpdate: updatedDate.length < 2 ? Math.round( / 1000) : updatedDate, IsHide: "False", DownloadCount: 69420, IsTestingExclusive: "False", CategoryTags: pluginJson.CategoryTags ?? categoryFallbacks[pluginJson.InternalName], DownloadLinkInstall: `${pluginJson.InternalName}/`, DownloadLinkTesting: `${pluginJson.InternalName}/`, DownloadLinkUpdate: `${pluginJson.InternalName}/`, }; masterJson.push(masterJsonInsert); console.log(masterJsonInsert); } fs.writeFileSync("./pluginmaster.json", JSON.stringify(masterJson, null, 2)); });