Better penumbra
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$output = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[object]
$notInclude = @();
$counts = Get-Content "downloadcounts.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
$categoryFallbacksMap = Get-Content "categoryfallbacks.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
$dlTemplateInstall = "{0}/"
$dlTemplateUpdate = "{0}/{1}/"
$apiLevel = 4
$thisPath = Get-Location
$table = ""
Get-ChildItem -Path plugins -File -Recurse -Include *.json |
Foreach-Object {
$content = Get-Content $_.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($notInclude.Contains($content.InternalName)) {
$content | add-member -Force -Name "IsHide" -value "True" -MemberType NoteProperty
$content | add-member -Force -Name "IsHide" -value "False" -MemberType NoteProperty
$newDesc = $content.Description -replace "\n", "<br>"
$newDesc = $newDesc -replace "\|", "I"
if ($content.DalamudApiLevel -eq $apiLevel) {
if ($content.RepoUrl) {
$table = $table + "| " + $content.Author + " | [" + $content.Name + "](" + $content.RepoUrl + ") | " + $newDesc + " |`n"
else {
$table = $table + "| " + $content.Author + " | " + $content.Name + " | " + $newDesc + " |`n"
$testingPath = Join-Path $thisPath -ChildPath "testing" | Join-Path -ChildPath $content.InternalName | Join-Path -ChildPath $_.Name
if ($testingPath | Test-Path)
$testingContent = Get-Content $testingPath | ConvertFrom-Json
$content | add-member -Name "TestingAssemblyVersion" -value $testingContent.AssemblyVersion -MemberType NoteProperty
$content | add-member -Force -Name "IsTestingExclusive" -value "False" -MemberType NoteProperty
$dlCount = $counts | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $content.InternalName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "count"
if ($dlCount -eq $null){
$dlCount = 0;
$content | add-member -Force -Name "DownloadCount" $dlCount -MemberType NoteProperty
if ($content.CategoryTags -eq $null) {
$content | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty CategoryTags
$fallbackCategoryTags = $categoryFallbacksMap | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $content.InternalName
if ($fallbackCategoryTags -ne $null) {
$content | add-member -Force -Name "CategoryTags" -value @() -MemberType NoteProperty
$content.CategoryTags += $fallbackCategoryTags
$internalName = $content.InternalName
$updateDate = git log -1 --pretty="format:%ct" plugins/$internalName/
if ($updateDate -eq $null){
$updateDate = 0;
$content | add-member -Force -Name "LastUpdate" $updateDate -MemberType NoteProperty
$installLink = $dlTemplateInstall -f $internalName, "False"
$content | add-member -Force -Name "DownloadLinkInstall" $installLink -MemberType NoteProperty
$installLink = $dlTemplateInstall -f $internalName, "True"
$content | add-member -Force -Name "DownloadLinkTesting" $installLink -MemberType NoteProperty
$updateLink = $dlTemplateUpdate -f "plugins", $internalName
$content | add-member -Force -Name "DownloadLinkUpdate" $updateLink -MemberType NoteProperty
Get-ChildItem -Path testing -File -Recurse -Include *.json |
Foreach-Object {
$content = Get-Content $_.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($notInclude.Contains($content.InternalName)) {
$content | add-member -Force -Name "IsHide" -value "True" -MemberType NoteProperty
$content | add-member -Force -Name "IsHide" -value "False" -MemberType NoteProperty
# $table = $table + "| " + $content.Author + " | " + $content.Name + " | " + $content.Description + " |`n"
$dlCount = 0;
$content | add-member -Force -Name "DownloadCount" $dlCount -MemberType NoteProperty
if (($output | Where-Object {$_.InternalName -eq $content.InternalName}).Count -eq 0)
$content | add-member -Force -Name "TestingAssemblyVersion" -value $content.AssemblyVersion -MemberType NoteProperty
$content | add-member -Force -Name "IsTestingExclusive" -value "True" -MemberType NoteProperty
if ($content.CategoryTags -eq $null) {
$content | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty CategoryTags
$fallbackCategoryTags = $categoryFallbacksMap | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $content.InternalName
if ($fallbackCategoryTags -ne $null) {
$content | add-member -Force -Name "CategoryTags" -value @() -MemberType NoteProperty
$content.CategoryTags += $fallbackCategoryTags
$internalName = $content.InternalName
$updateDate = git log -1 --pretty="format:%ct" testing/$internalName/
if ($updateDate -eq $null){
$updateDate = 0;
$content | add-member -Force -Name "LastUpdate" $updateDate -MemberType NoteProperty
$installLink = $dlTemplateInstall -f $internalName, "True"
$content | add-member -Force -Name "DownloadLinkInstall" $installLink -MemberType NoteProperty
$installLink = $dlTemplateInstall -f $internalName, "True"
$content | add-member -Force -Name "DownloadLinkTesting" $installLink -MemberType NoteProperty
$updateLink = $dlTemplateUpdate -f "plugins", $internalName
$content | add-member -Force -Name "DownloadLinkUpdate" $updateLink -MemberType NoteProperty
$outputStr = $output | ConvertTo-Json
Write-Output $outputStr
Out-File -FilePath .\pluginmaster.json -InputObject $outputStr
$template = Get-Content -Path mdtemplate.txt
$template = $template + $table
Out-File -FilePath .\ -InputObject $template
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
"Author": "aRkker",
"Name": "Penumbra-Modded",
"InternalName": "Penumbra",
"AssemblyVersion": "",
"AssemblyVersion": "",
"Description": "Runtime mod loader and manager, with aRkkers api tweaks lol",
"ApplicableVersion": "any",
"RepoUrl": "",
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
"LoadPriority": 69420,
"IconUrl": "",
"Punchline": "I added some API stuff lol",
"Changelog": "\nBetter way of doing the mod enabling etc",
"LastUpdate": "1667431096",
"IsHide": "False",
"DownloadCount": 69420,
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"Author": "aRkker",
"Name": "Penumbra-Modded",
"InternalName": "Penumbra",
"AssemblyVersion": "",
"AssemblyVersion": "",
"Description": "Runtime mod loader and manager, with aRkkers api tweaks lol",
"ApplicableVersion": "any",
"RepoUrl": "",
@ -12,5 +12,6 @@
"DalamudApiLevel": 7,
"LoadPriority": 69420,
"IconUrl": "",
"Punchline": "I added some API stuff lol"
"Punchline": "I added some API stuff lol",
"Changelog": "\nBetter way of doing the mod enabling etc"
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue